Pranayama Kosa
Varuna says to son Bhrugu, "My dear son, there is something more subtle than what you have discovered, please carry on with your research" . Bhrugu after extensive research comes back and says "Oh , father , it is the prana, the life energy , from which even the gross annamaya kosa comes out". Prana the life energy described here is not the material electromagnetic energy spectrum known to modern science.
The body may be there but without life or Prana it is gross useless. The prana is the basic fabric of this universe both inside and outside our body. A uniform harmonious flow of Prana to each and every cell of the annamaya kosa keeps them alive and healthy.
Prana has the capacity to move into different areas of the body (annamaya kosa) depending on demand. For example when you perform more brain work you need more prana in the head region , when you walk you need more prana in your lower limbs, etc. If the prana flow to any organ increases inadvertently and with out control , it can lead to malfunction of that organ at the annamaya kosa.
Sthithi : Supine Posture
- Take the right leg and place it on the left thigh
- Place the left leg on the right thigh as in Padmasana
- Place the palms on either side of the head with fingers pointing towards the shoulders.
- Inhale , take weight on the palms and lift the head and the back off the ground.
- Bring the centre of the crown of the head to the ground by bending the dorsal and cervical spine backwards
- Exhale and remove the hands after the weight is well balanced on the head and catch hold of the big toes hooking the index fingers around them.
- Press the elbows on the ground to bear the weight of the upper half of the body.
- Maintain this position for one minute with normal breathing.
- As you exhale come back slowly step by step to supine sthithi
- Relax in Savasana
Complementary to Sarvangasana; helps those with diabetes , asthma and other respiratory problems
Those who recently undergone any abdominal or thoracic surgery and cervical spondylosis should avoid this posture for three months.
"This is a collected article from Sri Swami Vivekananda Yoga research Foundation . Simple yoga books are available at the institute. Our sincere thanks to Dr R Nagarathna and Dr H R Nagendra for sharing the details."
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