This is one of the unforgettable
stories which, one should not forget also. His name was Kurt Donald Cobain . He
was born in 1967 Feb 20th in Aberdeen, America. He was influenced with
Music right from birth as his family members were music lovers and had created
similar environment at home. One does not know whether music was present from
his genes or was influenced from his family environment. He used to be happy
always and sing well. Also he used to learn playing many instruments.
He was
very fond of Guitar. But when he was 7 years old , he got separated from his
parents. His father married another lady , while his mother had an affair with
her boy friend . This separation had a great impact on Cobain’s mind & he
was struggling inside his heart without having love from his parents. His life
took a different turn from here. He started developing bad habits at school and
was depressed. He also quit Christianity and adopted Buddhism & Jainism.
But his music kept him going to some extent.
Following his love to Buddhism ,
he created a team the infamous Nirvana group of music in 1986. This also made him to
reach new heights of success in very less time. His first album “The Bleach”
was very famous among mass. He was very famous among the mass during 1990 s.
His album “Never Mind” created a sensation among the teens. He got engaged with
Curtney Luv , his assistant singer and later got married. The couple later had
Francis , a beautiful baby.
What would happen to a man when
he had reached the heights of such success at the age of 27 . Just Imagine .
But something strange happened in Coben’s life. He started taking drugs ,
alcoholic . He also once attempted for suicide. He was admitted to a special
hospital to remove this addiction from drugs. He somehow used to escape from
the hospital and roamed around. Later without informing anyone , he moved to
this bungalow in Seattle and stayed
alone. On 1994 Apr 5th , he shot a bullet to his head and died. He
had written one long death note.
He had mentioned – “ I have
received huge praises in my life from people. The craze which my fans had about
me was astonishing and I was afraid also. I was always thinking whether I am
pretending with a different face towards them to get praises from them. I
started thinking I am a sinner. More my glory increased outside , I started
feeling the emptiness inside my heart. I was not able to reduce this gap of my
different faces . This cannot stay long , should not stay long , The prettiness
, glory shown outside may not increase one’s internal happiness” .
This story creates a thought
inside our heart also isin't it ? When we stand in front of a mirror , only we alone
know what we are really inside and outside. When the difference in this inside
& outside faces develops, we start losing our happiness slowly pretending differently
outside than what we are really inside.
To be happy we should always aim to reduce this gap. This is essential
Hope you enjoyed reading this
story. Let’s strive towards maintaining a single face , to maintain no
difference what we are really inside & outside , lead our life with truth
& happiness - and show how unique we are to this world. Open up towards
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