Suffering from a back pain ? In this post we bring out few tips which you can try at home and relieve from pain for instant comfort.
Home remedy
Home remedy
- Apply an ice pack on the painful area for 15 minutes . Apply at least 3 times a day
- Consume 2 or 3 cloves of garlic every morning
- Rubbing the painful area with garlic oil is also good for relieving the pain.
- Prepare garlic oil by frying 10 cloves of garlic in 60ml of mustard oil or sesame oil on a slow fire till the cloves turn brown, then cooled oil should be applied on back before taking bath. Take a warm bath after 2-3 hours. Follow this for at least 15 days
- Apply a paste of ginger powder mixed with water to affected area. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off. Then rub the back with eucalyptus oil.
- Take the juice of one lemon mixed with pinch of common salt twice a day
- Application of raw potato in the form of poultice is very effective in back pain , especially lower back
- Maintain balanced weight. Wear comfortable , low heeled shoes
- Maintain right posture while working in office
- Use a chair with good back support. If your are sitting for a long period of time , try resting your feet on the floor or on a low stool
- Take frequent breaks to stretch your body.
- Driving long distance ? Use a pillow or rolled-up towel behind your back. Rest a while & run a mile
- If you have trouble sleeping, try sleeping on your back with pillow under your knees or sleep on your side with your knees bent and a pillow between your knees which relaxes tense muscles.
- Get regular low impact exercises & gentle yoga.
- Practice safe ways of lifting and moving heavy objects to reduce the risk of straining your back.
- Avoid exposure to cold weather or cold winds
- Quit smoking as it decreases blood flow and prevents healing.
- Avoid heavy weight lifting
- Avoid lifting with twisting , bending forward or reaching
- Avoid sitting for long periods of time
- Change your sitting position frequently
Disclaimer :
Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.
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