Lot of work to do , feeling tired ? Don't worry - In this post , we bring you few home remedy tips to get relief from fatigue and tiredness.
Home remedy
Home remedy
- Drink fresh orange juice with a pinch of rock salt
- Soak 5 fresh dates in a glass of water overnight. Next morning , mix in blender and drink
- Eat one mango daily and after an hour drink one glass warm milk with teaspoon of ghee added
- Try to spend time each day in fresh air
- Exercise regularly , particularly if having a sitting job
- Try some deep breathing and muscle relaxation exercises.
- Include fresh vegetables , fruits, cereals , whole-grain products and brown rice in your diet
- Take a nap if you are sleepy during the day for 10-15 minutes.
- Practice meditation and reduce over stress.

- Never miss breakfast
- Avoid fatty foods , salty and sugary products
- Avoid cold and iced drinks , especially during and after meals
Disclaimer : Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.
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