
Life teaches education - a short story

One of our friends ,Hari,  is a business man and keeps travelling frequently. One day when he was travelling by train , a person came to the compartment where our friend was sitting with an empty aluminium basin and bamboo basket. There were only some 3 to 4 persons in the compartment. He came and sat next to him . As it was a long journey , our friend was curious to talk to him. The stranger seemed to be selling some items in the train and his clothes were little dirty.


He starting asking him - "Hello, what is your name. What do you do?" - he replied , "Hello Sir , my name is Ramu , I sell samosas daily in train". Our friend said "Oh, that's great. It seems you have done a good business today, all your items seem to be sold out.". Ramu replied - "Yes sir, It was a good day. Sales got completed by God's grace". Our friend replied "Oh ok - isin't it your work little difficult , you have to carry the basket and the heavy samosas , travel along the crowd in the train ?" - Ramu replied - "Yes , leave it sir . What is there in that. Its our routine work. Only if we work , our stomach gets filled . For one samosa we get 75 paise commission". Hari asked him "How many samosas you sell in a day?" . Ramu said "We sell around 3000 to 3500 samosas a day. Sometimes sales go down, on such days even selling 1000 samosas is a tough task. On a average I sell around 2000 samosas".

Hari was surprised. He started calculating in his mind , if one samosa can fetch 75 paise in a day , then selling 2000 samosas would fetch Rs.1500 a day ! Which means average monthly income of this samosawala was Rs.45000 which is higher than Hari as well! . Ramu then continued - "What to do sir, bad habit - I spend Rs.10,000 for drinks. Of the rest I use other business". Hari was surprised again and asked Ramu "What other business do you do". Ramu replied "I do real estate sir, In 2007 , I bought a site for 3 lakh rupees and last year sold it for 15 lakhs. Bought another site for 5 lakhs , in next four years it may become 50 lakhs. Of the remaining 10 lakhs , have put a fixed deposit of 6 lakhs for my daughter's marriage and 4 lakhs for son's education". Hari asked "What is your qualification" . ramu said "What sir , what education for us . I am third class fail".  The train stopped at the next station and Ramu said bye and left the train. 

This short conversation is a good learning for some people who keep boasting "We did not learn much, Leading life had become very difficult etc". Commitment towards work , Hunger to achieve some thing in life and Confidence leads one towards life's path. Any education system which does not teach such morals is a sure waste.

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