
Must know health benefits of Amla Indian Gooseberry

Amla or Indian Gooseberry also known as "Bettada Nelli" in Kannada is a very good fruit with many health benefits. This mouth watering fruit has many disease curing abilities.  In this post we have covered few main benefits of using Amla regularly which should help one to make it part of their regular routine.

Amla Indian Gooseberry benefits

  • Having Amla keeps Scurvy disease at bay
  • Having Amla juice with honey everyday at morning helps in reducing skin white patches , pimples and increases the fairness
  • Chewing Amla helps in preventing bad breath and gum diseases. When a dried piece is soaked in a salt solution and taken , helps in producing good saliva
  •  Having this fruit regularly helps in increasing sperm count & vigor.
  •  Regular use helps in reducing Jaundice , anemia diseases and improves blood circulation
  •  Having 30ml of Amla juice everyday prevents urinary irritations
  •  During summer season , having Amla juice keeps the body cool.
  •  Having Amla juice helps in reducing body fats and maintaining balanced weight.
  •  It helps in reducing eye problems , in keeping the eyes and brain nerves cool
  •  Beneficial for heart , regular use helps in reducing dizziness
  •  A very good fruit to prevent Asthma when taken with honey
  •  Prevents in reducing Diabeties.
  •  This is used in preparing Brungaoil which is very good for hair growth
  •  Amla seeds when dried and powered is used in burn ointments 
  •  Helps in preserving red blood cells
  •  Its juice helps in strengthening nerves and keeps heart diseases at bay
Disclaimer :  Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.
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