Tooth ache or pain is one of the most annoying pains one may experience. With yummy foods in front of you and you are restricted not to eat because of tooth pain , you will be disappointed - isin't it. In this post we bring you out few tips on how to reduce tooth aches , what you may do when you are suffering with tooth pain & gum problems - and enjoy your favorite foods.
- Cloves are very effective for tooth pain. The juice which comes out of cloves when placed at the pain spot relieves tooth pain.
- Rinsing mouth with warm water mixed with salt - helps is maintaining jaws muscle strength.
- During tooth ache , chewing mustard seeds for some time and spitting it later relieves pain
- Applying a mix of lime & Asafoetida at the pain spot helps in reducing pain and bane to greater extent
- Using a mixture of Betal leaves , little salt, cloves and Tulasi , chewing it and later spitting helps in reducing pain
- Mixing salt with Dry ginger powder and brushing teeth helps in reducing pain
- Applying lime paste to the area of Gum Bleeding , reduces the bleed.
- Brushing teeth using dry lime powder not only helps in whitened teeth but also helps in reducing bad breath
- Rinsing mouth with warm water which is soaked with Amla leaves helps in reducing tooth pain and Gum swelling.
- Having tomato juice for 4-5 times a day helps in reducing Gums bleeding.
- Using Orange peel , drying it and powder from it - when applied on tooth Gums ,helps in reducing gum bleeding.
- Using Pomegranate peel - chewing it or soaking it in water and rinsing mouth - helps in reducing bad breath & mouth watering
- Brushing teeth daily using Mango leaves prevents from tooth , gum diseases and provides strength
- Using guava leaves dicoction and rinsing mouth helps in reducing tooth pain
- Having apples by biting and chewing it without cutting it helps in good tooth and gum health
- Using clove oil at the pain spot helps in relieving pain
- With one pinch rock salt & camphor at the pain spot and chewing it - the water which gets released helps in reducing pain
- Using the milk extracted from Papaya peel and applying to the pain spot helps in relieving pain
- Using the mix of Garlic and Salt paste and applying to the pain spot relieves pain
- Rinsing mouth using sesame oil helps in reducing moth diseases
- Rinsing mouth from the warm water soaked with guava leaves & Pomegranate leaves aids in strengthening tooth muscles
- Nilgiri oil helps in reducing tooth pain.
- An article by Durga.
Disclaimer : Always seek advice of your physician or qualified health professionals before taking any new treatment This information is not a substitute for professional medical advise.
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