Health is Wealth . Food is life . We can control almost any disease with proper food intake.
- Be regular with meal timings
- Take small frequent meal
- Prefer whole grain products like whole wheat flour , ragi , unpolished rice , oats , broken wheat over refined products like maida , white bread and polished rice
- Prefer skimmed milk and its products over whole milk , cheese , khoa , butter and cream
- Cut down intake of mutton , beef , pork , organ , meat , shrimps and egg yolk. Instead opt for fresh water fish , skinned out chicken and egg white
- Avoid using excess of sugar , sweets , Jam , jellies , cakes , chocolates & other refined food items
- Avoid excessive usage of deep fried food items like bajji , bonda , samosa , pakoda , chips etc
- Restrict intake of oil , dalda , vanaspati , butter , ghee and margarine
- Limit oil consumption to 2-4 teaspoon / day
- Do not use nuts like cashew nuts and groundnuts frequently
- Do not consume excess of coffee , tea and other products that contain caffeine & tannin . Instead opt for green tea and juices
- Avoid intake of aerated drinks
- Avoid alcohol intake and cigarette smoking
- Use all varieties of vegetables , green leafy vegetables and fruits with their edible skin
- Wide variety of physical activities like walking , jogging , playing sports , swimming , aerobics , floor exercises , yoga etc helps you in keeping fit
- Author is a dietitian at a renowned Bangalore hospital
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