What is BBMP Ward committee
How BBMP ward committee is formed
BBMP Chief Commissioner or an officer authorized by the Chief Commissioner shall, within thirty days of the completion of the Corporation election shall nominate members to the wards committee. The Ward Committee consist of the following, namely:-
- The Councillor of the Corporation representing the Ward, shall be the Chairperson of the Ward Committee
- The term of office of the Ward Committee is co-terminus with the term of office of the Corporation.
- Ten other members nominated by the Corporation; out of which -
- (i) at least two members belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes;
- (ii) at least three women members; and
- (iii) at least two members representing residents Associations in the ward.
What is BBMP ward committee meeting
- Corporation provides Ward Committee to hold meetings at its office
- In this meeting all ward committee members , ward specific officers from Revenue , Health , BESCOM , BWSSB , Police , Traffic Police , Ward Engineers will be present chaired by the ward councellor / corporator or in their absence by allotted Zonal officer.
- This meeting will not be held on Public holidays or during any other corporation meet
- Agenda of the meeting , date and time will be fixed and communicated at-least 5 days in advance
- At present meeting is held twice on 1st Saturday and 3rd Saturday of every month
Where to get BBMP ward committee members details of your ward
- Its available in BBMP website link - https://bbmp.gov.in/ward_committee.html
- Name , contact number and ward block details will be displayed.
- Also this information can be collected by reaching out ward office or BBMP customer care.
- Citizens can participate in ward committee meetings.
- Bring to notice on open issues in their locality , collect resolution feedback
- Suggest locality development inputs
- Get information on approved , ongoing BBMP projects status for their ward
- Collect details on new development schemes announced by Government
Where can citizens collect BBMP ward committee meeting updates
- All minutes of the proceedings of the meeting of the Ward Committee shall be recorded by the Secretary and a copy of the same shall be forwarded to the Corporation
- This minutes of meeting is also available in BBMP website under the link - https://bbmp.gov.in/committeeproceedings.html

Here is a extract of Ward Committee functions as per BBMP Act -
- Prepare , Submit Ward Development Scheme to corporation for allotment of funds;
- Prepare , Submit annual Ward Development Plan, drawn up in accordance with the plans prepared by the Bengaluru Metropolitan Planning Committee and the Corporation, in the form of a priority list specifying the projects and schemes proposed to be implemented in the following financial year for allotment of funds and ensure proper utilization of the funds allotted under ward development plan in the ward;
- Call for an annual general meeting of the Ward Sabha consisting of all persons registered as voters in the Ward for providing inputs for the formulation of the Annual Ward Development Plan, giving due publicity and notice for the same to ensure maximum participation in the Ward.
- Call for any general meeting to discuss any issue which requires decision making by popular participation
- Invite applications for the selection of beneficiaries and prepare the draft priority list after making inquiry on the applications received in this behalf and send it for the consideration of the Area Sabha concerned, and prepare the final list based on the inputs of the Area Sabha for submission to the Zonal Committee.
- Ensure proper utilization of funds allotted under ward development scheme in the ward.
- Approve the list of beneficiaries for beneficiary oriented schemes of the Corporation submitted by Area Sabhas falling under that ward;
- Scrutinize list of ineligible beneficiaries submitted by the Area Sabhas and submit it to the Corporation;
- Supervise programmes , schemes being implemented by the Corporation in the ward;
- Ensure timely collection of taxes, fees and other sums due to the Corporation;
- Ensure water supply maintenance in the ward and finalize location of new public taps and public wells;
- Ensure sewerage system maintenance in the ward;
- Ensure proper solid waste management and sanitation work in the ward and finalize location of new public sanitation units;
- Ensure maintenance of street lighting in ward and finalize location of new street lights;
- Ensure maintenance of parks, open spaces, greening of area in the ward; (l) ensure afforestation, and implementation of rain water harvesting schemes;
- Mobilize voluntary labour and donation by way of goods or money for implementation of Ward Development Scheme and various programmes and schemes of Corporation;
- Inform the Corporation regarding any encroachment of land belonging to the Corporation;
- To display ward budget and current undergoing projects to public notice; and
- Perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Corporation as per its bye-laws
Have you attended such ward committee meetings in you ward , Do share with us your experience in the comments section on how its conducted in your wards and how your locality citizens are benefited.
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