BLOOD is one of the most vital fluid component needed for major functioning of human body. It supplies oxygen , nutrients , remove waste carbon-di-oxide , acids etc
Blood is one among the most precious gifts one can share which can save a life. A unit of blood can save up-to 3 lives. It is one of the noble donations which one must make during their lifetime in service to society which has given this life. In this post we try to share the most frequent questions any volunteer has and encourage them for donation
Why donate blood
- Blood is the most essential part of human body and can be transfused to save life
- Blood is not manufactured or artificially available and can only be transferred from one human to other.
- Be it a man made or natural disaster , in severe trauma conditions blood is needed
- Treating during pregnancy , patients suffering from cancer , anemia , malnutrition etc.
Who are eligible to donate blood
- Adults between the age 18 years to 60 years
- Those who have their body weight above 45 kg
- Those who are not having diseases such as - AIDS , Cancer , Jaundice , Malaria , Diabetes , Asthma , Heart ailments , kidney ailments , Giddiness , Tuberculosis , Blood Pressure, Anemia
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Courtesy - MedicalNews Today |
How frequently can one donate blood
- Men - once in every 3 months
- Women - once in every 4 months
What quantity of blood is drawn from donor
- A normal adult has an average of 5 litres to 6 litres of blood flowing throughout body
- Usually One unit of 450 ml is collected from men
- Usually One unit of 350 ml is collected from women
What are the benefits to donor health after donating blood
- New blood generated helps in reducing and maintaining cholesterol levels
- New blood gets generated within 24 hours of blood donation , within 1 month of donation necessary minerals get restored.
- Aids to good memory levels
How donors should be ready before blood donation
- Have regular balanced food rich in minerals at-least 1 to 2 hour before donation
- Sleep well the night before the donation day
- Hydrate with good water intake
- During the time of donation be relaxed
- Should not consume alcohol , tobacco products , antibiotics medications
What checks are done by medical representatives before donation
- Collect details about donor , medical history, take a consent.
- Use a new sterilized syringe , needle for each donor test.
- Blood sugar and Blood pressure checks.
- Conduct a blood group test
- There will not be any pain during the blood collection process , only a blood collection bag having small needle is pierced to draw the blood from the veins flowing through hands
- Within 15 to 20 minutes , blood gets drawn . After the needle is detached , a small bandage is pasted at the spot to avoid any bleed which can be removed after few hours.
How to take care after donating blood
- Have light food , fresh fruit juice. Keep hydrated for next 24 hours
- Minimum of 15 minutes rest
- Should not consume alcohol for next 24 hours
- Remove the bandage after minimum 4 hours. If you experience any soaring feel , consult a doctor who may advise a paracetamol medicine.
- If there is any giddiness , to sit in a posture by placing head between knees or lie down on back in a relaxing pose
- At-least for 1 to 2 hours - not involve in tiring works such as exercising , driving , heavy load works.
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