Recently one of our community members received a surprise notice from the municipal body BBMP property tax department on a penalty charges to be paid for non payment of taxes.
Resident has promptly been paying property tax on time every time utilizing the rebate and was shocked to see this notice with a 25,000 rupees penalty charges. It mentioned that in the self assessment declaration while paying the tax , the zone mentioned is D/B/C and as per the zonal changes in 2018 , they should have paid the taxes as per the zone changes from E/D/D, to pay the difference amount , considered to have evaded the tax , to now pay with an additional cess of 24% per anum and double the tax amount as penalty.
On checking at the ward BBMP office , they understood from the officer
- While paying the tax online , by mistake they have selected a adjacent road which falls under different category and hence change in calculation
- They had to write a letter with a copy of their Khatha certificate to rectify same and cancel the notice.
It is very important to mention the proper location and double confirm the zone while paying property tax. This can be confirmed by calling up BBMP office revenue department. Also in event on receiving such notices , it is recommended to meet BBMP immediately , else BBMP may charge up-to 2% per month extra from the date of notice.
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