Bengaluru is known for its flora and fauna as the garden city of India . Importance is given to grow plants and trees on the roadsides in Bengaluru making it a greener city. The natural beauty of such trees are some times disturbed due to commercial activities such as displaying hoardings , pasting stickers , tagging some cables , using tree as a support hammering nails over it etc causing damages to the tree affecting water and required minerals supply.
Not only causing damage to the trees , these may cause harm to the pedestrians who come in contact with the tree for a shade . There had been incidents reported in past of how accidents happen with such tree nails or pins affected people.
Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has recently circulated a public notice with an objective to reduce such activities preserving the beauty and growth of trees which states - public , advertisers , shop owners and cable operators not to put any advertisements , name boards , flash cards , striking cables , nails , pins , rods used for construction purpose and installing electric lights to roadside tree which the palike mentions will damage and affect the growth and health of trees and is a punishable offense as per the Karnataka Tree Preservation Act Section 8 1976.
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