In this post , we share our visit experience to Thathaguni Aagara lake near Kanakapura road about 40 km from Bangalore city center.
Highlights of this spot
- Clean water lake
- Spread over more than 30 to 40 acres
- Bird spotting especially Kingfishers , Sparrow family
- Mesmerizing views
- Relaxing Weekend destination
ThinkBangalore Rating
5 / 5
It was a Sunday noon on a cloudy day our team headed to this destination passing through the Kanakapura highway road . After taking a diversion at Aagara main road at Kanakapura road , we reached the spot within 10 min . The roads to this destination are very good , passing by few villages and few scenic views.
Lake offers an excellent view with clean water . There were two bridges providing access to get a good view and enjoy the natural scent of the lake. On the rear side of lake is the forest view making it a scenic beauty. The lake bund offers a walk way to pass across the lake to experience different views and also a path to each the lake banks . There were coracle boats on the banks , however it was meant for any temporary use and not for visitors. We noticed few youngsters swimming in the lake jumping from the bridges and enjoying their relaxing time.
We spotted two to three colorful kingfishers and sparrow nests on the trees chirping and cranes around the lake banks. The lake is quite near to the village and accessible to the main road within a kilometer making it a safer place.
A very good calm destination to relax with family and friends over a picnic to the spot. We do recommend a cycle ride to this destination following good road access. Best time to visit this spot is during day time between 7 AM to 5 PM to enjoy the cool scenic views .
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