"Gracious God - Thank you once again for pouring out your grace upon us and keeping us safe in the palm of your hands. Your steadfast love and faithfulness never fails us. Thank you father , we love you. ."
"Merciful and loving father god , i come before you today to give you thanks and praise for giving me another breathe of life. Be with me today and always to guide my ways. Help me , my family and friends to prepare the day with love , peace , gratefulness and compassion towards others , through you"
"I surrender my all to you without holding nothing. Lord may my thoughts and my actions not hinder or limit the marvelous blessings you have in store with me. Allow me not to limit the path I am supposed to be on , let there be no shortcuts , lead me , guide me and walk besides me, as your will be done."
"Loving God , thank you for the gift of life . Thank you for the new day and opportunity to enjoy the company of my friends and family . I entrust all my loved ones to you. Lord please guide and protect us today . "
"Creator God , thank you that there is nowhere I can go that is beyond your presence . Thank you for the gift of a new day. Thank you for not leaving me. In your presence , I am blessed beyond measure . May your love be the passion in my heart. May your joy be my strength when times are hard. May your presence be my peace that overflows . Lord , may this day filled with love , joy and answered prayers. "
"Oh god , creator of heaven and earth. I praise and glorify you at the moment i open my eyes in the morning. I am always thankful for the new gift of life you have given me. Help me my god to use my life appropriately for your glory. Help me to love others as you loved them. I entrust to you my life. My friends and my whole family today take care of us dear father. May your holy spirit be our guide in the midst of our difficulties. "
"Dear Lord , Please protect my family and the people around me. Make our spaces safe and bless us with good health , peace of mind and a kind loving heart . Keep us filled with joy during these trying times. I ask you through sincere prayer to protect my family , my friends and the person reading this."
"You are ushering in another day untouched and freshly new , so here come to ask you god if you will renew me too ? Forgive the many errors that I made yesterday , and let me try dear god , to walk closer in thy way. But god , I am well aware I can't make it on my own. So take my hand and hold it tight for I can't walk alone."
"You invite all who are burdened to come to you. Allow your healing hand to heal me. Touch my soul with your compassion for others , touch my heart with your courage and infinite love for all , touch my mind with your wisdom and my mouth always proclaim your praise. Teach me to reach out to you in all my needs and help me to lead others to you by my example. Most loving heart of god , bring me health in body and spirit that I may serve you with all my strength. Touch gently this life which you have created , now and forever."
"Dear Lord , I desire to be a light to others who are hurting. But I also go through my own struggles , so please open my heart to receive encouragement from others when times are rough. We are all in this together"
"Dear God , thank you for bringing me through another day . You are the only reason why I made it this far. Today , I open my heart and mind and invite you live within me . I want to start this day with you , Oh God. I know you are always with me in every step of the way directing my every step. I embrace every challenge of this day and with your strength everything is possible. May this day be filled with answered prayers."
"Dear Lord , thank you for a day and week ahead that is full of promise and possibilities. Help me to overcome any self-defeating thoughts or habits. When I am tempted to say - I cannot - help me to remember that you can and I can do all things through you. Please give me strength and energy for all that lies ahead and may glorify you in all I say and do. "
"Thank you for helping me sleep through the night and waking me up to this beautiful morning. Lord , I pray that you teach me to love my life with eash passing day. Fill my heart with joy and gladness and remind me of all the things in my life to be thankful for. When thoughts of negativity begin to fill my mind , please remind me that you love me. When I begin to feel helpless and hopeless , please remind me that you have got me. When I feel i hate my life , please remind me that you created me for a purpose. Mold and guide me to your purpose for me , because I trust that your plans for me are better than anything I could ever ask for."
"I am Thankful for it all . The highs , the lows , the blessings , the growth . For the life that I live , I am grateful."
"Eternal God , who are the light of the minds that know you , the joy of the hearts that love you , and the strength of the wills that serve you ; grant us so to know you , that we may truly love you and so to love you that we may fully serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom, I offer you my life , please go before me to guide and protect me and my family."
"Thank you lord for everything you have done for me. Forgive me of all my sins. Heal me from the hurts from the past and present. I love you and need you to cover me with your precious and holy blood, my family , my friends , my loved ones . Give me your blessings lord. Guide , comfort and protect everyone that seeks you , needs you and believes in you."
"What is Prayer ? Prayer does not only happen when we kneel or put our hands together and focus and expect things from god. Thinking positive and wishing good for others is a prayer. When you cook something to nourish family and friends. That's a prayer . When you hug someone , that's a prayer . When we send off our near and dear ones saying Drive Safely , be safe - that's a prayer. When you are helping someone in need y giving your time and energy, that's a prayer. Prayer is a vibration. A feeling. A thought. Prayer is the voice of love , friendship , genuine relationships. Prayer is an expression of your silent being. Keep Praying. "
"Grant us O Lord , the eyes to recognize anything that is from you . Open our hearts and minds that we may receive your great love and blessings. By your holy spirit may we mount up time and time again on wings like eagles. Let us not grow weary , nor be downcast or disheartened by the works of our enemies. Keep us in your righteous right hand and let peace rule our hearts."
- Contributed by our community member.
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