
Learn proverbs knowledge quiz - 1

Proverbs are fun to learn and apply . Learn popular widely used proverbs through this knowledge quiz

Learn Proverbs Knowledge Quiz 1

1) When in Rome
1. Do as Romans do
2. Do Roam
3. Be at home
4. Visit palace
2) As you sow
1. it grows
2. you get crop
3. it shall grow
4. so shall you reap
3) A thing is valued
1. By its price
2. Where it belongs
3. By its nature
4. Where its sold
4) To the good
1. Enjoy their food
2. On high mood
3. World appears good
4. Love neighbour hood
5) An empty vessel
1. Is very light
2. Is cheap
3. Makes much noise
4. Stores more
6) Health is
1. Wealth
2. Money
3. Prioirty
4. Status
7) No Pain
1. No gain
2. Less gain
3. More gain
4. High gain
8) Time once lost
1. Can be used
2. Can be tracked
3. Cannot be gained
4. Cannot be tracked
9) Society
1. is made by man
2. moulds man
3. changes a man
4. Uplifts a man
10) Union is
1. Ultimate
2. Power
3. Great
4. Strength
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