
Learn proverbs knowledge quiz - 3

Proverbs are fun to learn and apply . Learn popular widely used proverbs through this knowledge quiz

Learn Proverbs Knowledge Quiz 3

1) A main is a slave to this
1. Hands
2. Legs
3. Stomach
4. Eyes
2) The more haste
1. Worse speed
2. Worse slow
3. More fast
4. More slow
3) Once bitten
1. Always bitten
2. Always shy
3. Twice bitten
4. Twice shy
4) A honey tongue
1. Tastes young
2. Heart of gall
3. Heart of gold
4. Brittles young
5) A little knowledge is more
1. Useful
2. Dangerous
3. Enough
4. Sufficient
6) All is well
1. That starts well
2. Thats ends well
3. Thats done well
4. Thats sounds well
7) Style makes
1. the man
2. the boy
3. the kid
4. the baby
8) One nail
1. drives another
2. hangs another
3. One hole
4. One hammer
9) Truth lies at
1. End of a story
2. waves of ocean
3. Top of the sea
4. Bottom of well
10) There is time
1. for everything
2. for nothing
3. for something
4. for fewthings
11) One lie leads to
1. Full lies
2. Full truth
3. Another lie
4. Another truth
12) It take all sorts to make a
1. Ocean
2. Sky
3. World
4. Air
13) It takes two to make a
1. Quarrel
2. Event
3. Game
4. Music
14) A friend is need
1. is always a need
2. friend in deed
3. is a great need
4. is ones greed
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