Bangalore Traffic Police (BTP) recently published a circular about its new initiative of communicating traffic rules violators in Bangalore.
Earlier traffic constables , head constables and sub inspectors used to use printed receipt books for traffic violations . These would usually capture the traffic junction , police jurisdiction , date and time , vehicle registration details , type of traffic violation and the fine penalty charges collected and enter in the Field Traffic Violation Report (FTVR) and take action against such vehicles.
In an attempt to improve enforcement and increase efficiency , staff were provided with digital equipment to capture more information along with proof including photo which used to get attached with FTVR. A notice under section no 133 used to get issued to the vehicle owner . The notices used to get printed and sent to the vehicle owner registered address . Approximately around 20,000 such notices were being sent on traffic violations.
It used to cost around Rs.4.50 for each of such notice which included the stamp , print and delivery charges . Not only on the cost front , it consumed staff time in manually preparing such notices and delivery. Due to incorrect current address of vehicle owners , In many cases this efforts put by staff used to go waste.
It is now mandatory to link the mobile number of vehicle owner along with the vehicle registration number. The Transport corporation on periodic basis share this information and sync with Bangalore Traffic police department.
Now in an event of traffic violation , within few minutes the details of the violation including the penalty charges and the procedure for payment with the payment link will now be sent as as Short message (SMS) to the vehicle owner registered mobile number.
Sample SMS as below
Dear 'Vehicle owner Name' , this is the notice u/s 133 IMV act , registration number 'vehicle registration number' . You have committed traffic violation 'Violation Type' on Date 'date' and time 'time' . Please pay fine of Rs.'Fine amount' within 7 days to avoid legal action . For more details visit . Pay online via Karnataka MobileOne or PayTM .From Bengaluru Traffic Police
With above initiative not only process charges will get reduced to 20 paisa which was around Rs.4.5 earlier but also eco friendly as the communication is digital directly delivered to mobile and faster
With this process in place , it saves traffic police staff time and compiling , printing and posting efforts. Vehicle owners using the link can view the details online with the proof documents updated by police.
BTP with this initiative expects this shall help for faster process in charging traffic violators , helps citizens and also further bring down traffic violations. This shall be started as a pilot project and extended slowly reviewing the results over time.
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