- What is Khatha ?
Khatha of a property is when that property is recorded in the property register maintained in a Municipality or Corporation. When a property is registered with the Municipality or Corporation, it is assessed to tax, assigned a municipal number and records the person primarily responsible to pay the property tax.
- Who can apply for a Khatha ?
Any title holder of a property within the BBMP Jurisdiction can apply for a khatha in a prescribed form, along with relevant documents, to the concerned Assistant Revenue Officer
- Where can one get the prescribed form for issue of Khatha & where should it be filed?
Application form can be obtained from any of the citizen service centers or any office of the Assistant Revenue Officer. The form also contains the list of documents to be filed. The duly filled up application form is to be submitted at the jurisdictional office of the Assistant Revenue Officer and acknowledgment obtained
- Is it necessary to apply for change of Khatha when property is to be transferred from one person to another by registered sale deed or otherwise succession of property in the event of death of khathadar ?
Yes, Section 114 of Karnataka Municipal Corporation Act 1976 makes it mandatory to do so within three months
- How should the intimation be made for the change Khatha in such cases ?
The new title holder should make an application in the prescribed form enclosing the requisite documents as listed in “Documents to be filed” given along with application
- Where and from whom can Khatha Certificate & Khatha extract be obtained ?
Khatha Certificate & Khatha Extract can be obtained after paying Rs. 25/- & Rs. 100/- respectively for each copy from the concerned office of the Assistant Revenue Officer or at any of the Citizen Service Centers
- What are the details of tax & fees that are required to be paid before Khatha is issued.
If applying for a Change of Khatha then,
- Enclose proof of having paid property tax up to date.
- Payment of Khatha Transfer fee at the rate of 2% on the value of stamp duty of the sale deed. If the Khatha for the property sought for the first time then, File a return of property tax available in the property tax self assessment book (SAS Hand book)
- Payment of Improvement charges at the rate of Rs. 250/- per Square Meter, if the property falls under new area & Rs. 200/- per Square Meter, in case of old area. The nearest Assistant Revenue Officer could be contacted to ascertain if the property falls in an old area or a new area.
- Payment of Khatha Transfer fee at the rate of 2% on the value of stamp duty of the sale deed
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