Kshetrapati is a Kannada film directed by debutant Srikanth Katagi and starring Naveen Shankar, Archana Jois, and Achyuth Kumar. The film revolves around Basava (Naveen Shankar), an engineering student who returns to his village after his father’s suicide due to farming debts. He decides to take up agriculture and fight for the rights of the farmers against the corrupt system. The film tackles various issues related to the agrarian crisis, such as loan sharks, middlemen, price fixing, land grabbing, and corporate exploitation. The film also explores the role of education, technology, and innovation in improving the lives of the farmers.
Here are some reasons why you should watch this film and what you can learn from it:
- A compelling performance by Naveen Shankar: Naveen Shankar, who has impressed the audience with his versatile roles in films like Gultoo, Hondisi Bareyiri, Dharani Mandala Madhyadolaga, and Gurudev Hoysala, delivers a powerful performance as Basava, the protagonist of Kshetrapati. He portrays the character’s transformation from a naive student to a determined farmer with conviction and charisma. He also showcases his emotional range in scenes where he confronts his father’s death, his stepmother’s resentment, his sister’s marriage, and his love interest’s dilemma. Naveen Shankar is the highlight of this film and carries it on his shoulders.
- A realistic depiction of the farmers’ plight: Kshetrapati does not shy away from showing the harsh realities of the farmers’ lives. The film depicts the struggles they face on a daily basis, such as droughts, floods, pests, diseases, low yields, high costs, low prices, and lack of support. The film also exposes the corruption and manipulation that pervades the system, from the local politicians to the national policies. The film does not sugarcoat or romanticize the farmers’ situation, but rather presents it as it is.
- A message of hope and empowerment: Kshetrapati is not a pessimistic or cynical film that only highlights the problems of the farmers. It is also a film that offers solutions and inspires action. The film shows how Basava uses his education and skills to innovate and improve his farming methods. He introduces drip irrigation, organic farming, soil testing, crop rotation, and value addition. He also mobilizes his fellow farmers to form a cooperative society and a farmers’ market. He challenges the status quo and fights for justice. The film shows that change is possible if one has the courage and determination to pursue it.
- A tribute to the farmer, the kshetrapati: Kshetrapati is a Sanskrit word that means “the lord of the soil”. The film pays homage to the farmer, who is the backbone of the nation and the provider of food. The film celebrates the farmer’s dignity, pride, and spirit. The film also acknowledges the farmer’s sacrifices, hardships, and contributions. The film urges us to respect and support the farmer, who is not just a victim but also a hero.
Kshetrapati is a film that deserves your attention and appreciation. It is a film that educates you about the issues faced by the farmers. It is a film that entertains you with its engaging story and characters. It is a film that enlightens you with its message and lessons. It is a film that elevates you with its values and vision.

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