
Avatars of Ganesha and their significance

Lord Ganesha is one of the most revered and popular gods in Hinduism, who is worshipped as the remover of obstacles and the lord of success. He is also known by many names and forms, such as Ganapati, Vinayaka, Ekadanta, Lambodara, and Vighnaharta. According to the Mudgala Purana, an ancient text dedicated to Lord Ganesha, he has eight avatars or incarnations that he took to save the world from various demons who represented the eight weaknesses or defects of human nature. These are arrogance, ego, desire, anger, greed, illusion, inebriation, and jealousy. In each avatar, Lord Ganesha also has a different vehicle or mount that symbolizes his attributes and powers. Let us look at each of these avatars and their significance.

  • Vakratunda: The first avatar of Lord Ganesha is Vakratunda, which means “curved trunk”. In this form, he has a lion as his vehicle and he represents wisdom and courage. He defeated the demon Matsarasura, who was born from the jealousy of Indra, the king of gods. Matsarasura had obtained a boon of fearlessness from Shiva and had conquered the three worlds with his sons Sundarpriya and Vishaypriya. He also created havoc and misery everywhere. Lord Ganesha, invoked by the gods with the mantra “Gam”, appeared as Vakratunda and killed the demon and his sons with his curved trunk. He thus restored peace and harmony in the universe. This avatar teaches us to overcome jealousy and selfishness with wisdom and courage.

  • Ekadanta: The second avatar of Lord Ganesha is Ekadanta, which means “one-tusked”. In this form, he has a mouse as his vehicle and he represents concentration and focus. He fought against the demon Madasura, who was born from the arrogance of Chyavana, an asura or demon. Madasura was fond of alcohol and had received special powers from the goddess Shakti after performing a thousand years of penance with the mantra “Hrim”. He became intoxicated with his powers and pride and started to conquer the three worlds. He also challenged the gods to a battle. Lord Ganesha, invoked by the sage Sanat Kumara with the mantra “Gam”, appeared as Ekadanta and subdued the demon with his single tusk. He then forgave him and made him his devotee. This avatar teaches us to avoid intoxication and arrogance with concentration and focus.

  • Mahodara: The third avatar of Lord Ganesha is Mahodara, which means “big-bellied”. In this form, he has a mouse as his vehicle and he represents generosity and compassion. He vanquished Mohasura, who was born from the delusion of Daitya Raj or the king of demons. Mohasura had obtained a boon of invincibility from Surya or the sun god after worshipping him for a long time. He then became deluded by his power and started to oppress the gods and humans alike. He also captured Indra’s throne and declared himself as the ruler of the three worlds. Lord Ganesha, invoked by Brahma with the mantra “Gam”, appeared as Mahodara and defeated Mohasura with his big belly. He then released him from his delusion and made him surrender to Indra. This avatar teaches us to overcome delusion and confusion with generosity and compassion.

  • Gajanana: The fourth avatar of Lord Ganesha is Gajanana, which means “elephant-faced”. In this form, he has a mouse as his vehicle and he represents strength and dignity. He destroyed Lobhasura, who was born from the greed of King Ravana of Lanka. Lobhasura had acquired a boon of immortality from Shiva after performing severe penance for many years. He then became greedy for more power and wealth and started to plunder the three worlds. He also kidnapped Sita, the wife of Rama, who was an incarnation of Vishnu. Lord Ganesha, invoked by Rama with the mantra “Gam”, appeared as Gajanana and killed Lobhasura with his elephant face. He then rescued Sita and helped Rama in defeating Ravana. This avatar teaches us to overcome greed and lust with strength and dignity.

  • Lambodara: The fifth avatar of Lord Ganesha is Lambodara, which means “long-bellied”. In this form, he has a mouse as his vehicle and he represents patience and contentment. He annihilated Krodhasura, who was born from the anger of Durvasa, a sage known for his short temper. Krodhasura had obtained a boon of invulnerability from Shiva after pleasing him with his devotion. He then became angry with everyone and everything and started to destroy the three worlds with his fiery breath. He also challenged the gods to a fight and defeated them all. Lord Ganesha, invoked by Vishnu with the mantra “Gam”, appeared as Lambodara and swallowed Krodhasura with his long belly. He then calmed down the fire and restored the balance in the universe. This avatar teaches us to overcome anger and violence with patience and contentment.


    Avatars of Ganesha and their significance


  • Vikata: The sixth avatar of Lord Ganesha is Vikata, which means “misshapen” or “unusual”. In this form, he has a peacock as his vehicle and he represents beauty and grace. He eradicated Kamasura, who was born from the desire of Kamadeva, the god of love. Kamasura had received a boon of irresistible charm from Shiva after worshipping him with flowers. He then became obsessed with his own beauty and charm and started to seduce everyone in the three worlds. He also tried to tempt the gods and goddesses and disrupt their harmony. Lord Ganesha, invoked by Shakti with the mantra “Gam”, appeared as Vikata and killed Kamasura with his peacock feather. He then restored the purity and sanctity of love in the universe. This avatar teaches us to overcome desire and temptation with beauty and grace.

  • Vighnaraja: The seventh avatar of Lord Ganesha is Vighnaraja, which means “king of obstacles”. In this form, he has a mouse as his vehicle and he represents success and prosperity. He eliminated Ahamkarasura, who was born from the ego of Indra, the king of gods. Ahamkarasura had gained a boon of supreme power from Brahma after impressing him with his deeds. He then became proud of his power and status and started to consider himself as the supreme lord of the three worlds. He also insulted the gods and sages and demanded their worship. Lord Ganesha, invoked by Shiva with the mantra “Gam”, appeared as Vighnaraja and destroyed Ahamkarasura with his mouse. He then bestowed success and prosperity on the gods and humans who worshipped him sincerely. This avatar teaches us to overcome ego and pride with success and prosperity.

  • Dhumravarna: The eighth avatar of Lord Ganesha is Dhumravarna, which means “smoke-colored”. In this form, he has a horse as his vehicle and he represents knowledge and enlightenment. He eradicated Agyanasura, who was born from the ignorance of Surya, the sun god. Agyanasura had obtained a boon of darkness from Brahma after pleasing him with his service. He then became ignorant of his true nature and started to spread darkness in the three worlds. He also blinded the gods and humans from seeing the truth and made them suffer in ignorance. Lord Ganesha, invoked by Saraswati with the mantra “Gam”, appeared as Dhumravarna and killed Agyanasura with his horse. He then dispelled the darkness and illuminated the universe with knowledge and enlightenment. This avatar teaches us to overcome ignorance and illusion with knowledge and enlightenment.

These are the eight avatars of Lord Ganesha that influence human lives in different ways. They show us how Lord Ganesha is not only the remover of obstacles but also the giver of various virtues and blessings that help us in achieving our goals and fulfilling our destiny. By worshipping Lord Ganesha in his various forms, we can overcome our weaknesses and defects and attain happiness and peace in our lives
