Tagaru Palya is a Kannada movie written and directed by Umesh K Krupa, who makes his debut with this film. The movie stars Nagabhushana, Amrutha Prem, and Vasuki Vaibhav in the lead roles, along with Sharath Lohitashwa, Rangayana Raghu, Tara, and others in supporting roles. The movie is produced by Daali Dhananjay under his banner Daali Pictures.
The movie revolves around Paandu (Rangayana Raghu), a village headman who promises to offer a sheep as a sacrifice and organise a meat feast for the villagers if he finds a suitable groom for his daughter Jyothi (Amrutha Prem). He is happy when he finalises Jyothi’s wedding with a software engineer from Bengaluru (Vasuki Vaibhav), but things go awry when the villagers gather for the feast. A series of unexpected events unfold, leading to hilarious and emotional situations.
The movie is a perfect blend of exotic quirkiness and rural realism. It presents life in a rural setting in all its glory and failings. The movie also conveys the importance of relationships and emotional ties. The movie has received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike. Here are some reasons why you should watch Tagaru Palya:
- The movie has a simple yet engaging plot that keeps you hooked till the end. The movie takes place in a day, in a single location, and the screenplay is tight and well-paced. The movie has a good balance of comedy and drama, with some twists and turns along the way.
- The movie has an excellent cast that delivers stellar performances. Rangayana Raghu is the real hero of the movie, who steals the show with his unique mannerisms and quirky dialogues. Nagabhushana, who is known for his comic timing, scores in emotional scenes too. Amrutha Prem makes an impressive debut as a village belle. Tara proves her versatility yet again. The actor in Vasuki Vaibhav comes out in flying colours; Sharath Lohitashwa and Chandrakala serve the perfect dessert in the end. Biradar, Ravi Hunsur also make up for the impressive cast.
- The movie has a catchy and melodious music composed by Vasuki Vaibhav, who also plays the lead role. The songs are well-written by Dhananjaya and suit the mood of the movie. The song ‘Sambanja annodu’, which comes at the end, perfectly sums up the movie.
- The movie has a message that resonates with everyone. The movie shows how people can overcome their differences and misunderstandings and come together as a family. The movie also teaches us to respect our traditions and culture, but also to embrace change and modernity. The movie also highlights the importance of gratitude and generosity.
Tagaru Palya is a movie that will make you laugh and cry, and also make you think and feel. It is a movie that can be enjoyed by the whole family. It is a movie that will take you on a nostalgic trip to your native village. It is a movie that you should not miss.
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