"O2" is a medical thriller that intertwines science with spiritual science. The story follows Dr. Shraddha Nayak (Ashika Ranganath), an MD in anesthesiology, who is working on a groundbreaking drug called O2 that could potentially bring the dead back to life.
Ashika Ranganath delivers one of her career-best performances, showcasing a range from a depressed soul in private to a resilient survivor in her professional life. Praveen Tej plays a dual-shade character with finesse, while Siri Ravikumar and K. S. Sridhar make the most of their screen time. The directorial duo, Prashanth Rajendra and Raghav Nayak, present a fresh concept that blends medical and spiritual elements. The narrative is straightforward, with some predictability, but the unique premise keeps the audience engaged.
The music by Vivan Radhakrishna and the background score by Naveen Kumar S. add depth to the film's atmosphere, complementing the thrilling narrative
The film offers a novel experience for those seeking content-driven cinema. The cast delivers compelling performances that anchor the film's ambitious premise. The blend of medical and spiritual science provides food for thought
The movie suggests that the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs, while noble, comes with ethical and emotional ramifications. It explores the human desire to conquer death and the consequences of such endeavors.
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