Maryadhe Prashne, directed by Nagaraj Somayaji, is a compelling social thriller that delves into the lives of three friends from Bengaluru's middle class and their struggle against the city's elite. Released November 2024, the film stars Rakesh Adiga, Sunil Raoh, Poornachandra Mysore, and Teju Belawadi in pivotal roles. The movie offers a poignant reflection on societal divides, making it a must-watch for those who appreciate thought-provoking cinema.
The story centers around three childhood friends—Suri (Rakesh Adiga), Sathish (Sunil Raoh), and Manja (Poornachandra Mysore). Suri is an aspiring area corporator, Sathish works as a food delivery executive, and Manja is a cab driver. Their lives take a tragic turn when Sathish dies in a road accident caused by a wealthy, reckless driver named Rocky (Prabhu Mundkur). Determined to seek justice for their friend, Suri and Manja embark on a journey to challenge the affluent and powerful, exposing the deep-rooted class divide in Bengaluru.
Cast includes Rakesh Adiga as Suri , Sunil Raoh as Sathish , Poornachandra Mysore as Manja , Teju Belawadi as Lucky , Prabhu Mundkur as Rocky , Rekha Kudligi, Shine Shetty, Nagendra Shah, and Hariharan in supporting roles. Nagaraj Somayaji's direction is noteworthy, as he skillfully navigates the complexities of the middle-class struggle and the stark contrast with the elite. The screenplay, penned by RJ Pradeepa, is well-crafted, balancing moments of humor, drama, and intense action. The film's pacing is steady, keeping the audience engaged from start to finish. The film's music, composed by Arjun Ramu, complements the narrative beautifully. The background score enhances the emotional depth of the story, while the songs resonate with the film's themes of friendship and resilience.
The film highlights the importance of resilience in the face of adversity and injustice. It underscores the significance of seeking justice, even when faced with powerful adversaries. The bond between Suri, Sathish, and Manja showcases the strength of friendship and loyalty.
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