
Horoscope for the day

Fri, 7 Mar 2025

♈ Aries , 21Mar-19Apr born

A day of recreation and fun. Your efforts to save money can fail today. Although you do not have to worry about it, as the situation will soon improve. Give priorities to the needs of family members. Involve yourself to share their joy and sorrow to realize them that you care for them. Power of love gives you a reason to love. Business partners behave supportive and you work together to complete pending jobs. Today, you can feel happy to find an old item at home and spend the whole day cleaning that stuff. People around you might do something that will make your life-partner fall for you again.

♉ Taurus , 20Apr-20May born

Your tremendous effort and timely support by family members would bring desired results. But keep working hard to maintain current spirit going. All the money you had invested in the past to make your future prosperous will reap fruitful results today. Be cautious of friends and strangers alike. Your beloved today would like to say his/her mind rather than listening to you. This can make you upset. People will recognize you at work for your endeavors. Today, you will have ample time to spend with your spouse. Your lover will feel overwhelmed at the attention and love s/he will get. Today, your life partner will show you all the good feeling he/she has for you inspite of all odds happened in the recent past.

♊ Gemini , 21May-20Jun born

Be an optimistic and look at the brighter side. Your confident expectations open the door for realization of your hopes and desires. Today, with the help of a close friend, some businessmen are likely to gain monetary benefits. This money can overcome many of your troubles. Share your happiness with your parents. Let them feel worthwhile as feeling of loneliness and depression are erased. What do we live for if it is not to make life less difficult for eachother. You will get to taste the rich chocolate of love today. Associate with people who are established and can give you insight into future trends. Travel plans if any-might get postponed due to last minute changes in your schedule. The series of disagreements will take its toll and you will find it very difficult reconcile with your spouse.

♋ Cancer , 21Jun-22Jul born

Energy wanes even as success seems closer at hand. Wise investments will only fetch returns- therefore be sure where you put your hard-earned money. Evening at the movie-theatre or dinner with your spouse seems to keep you in a relaxed and wonderful mood. Wrong communication or a message might make your day dull. This is an excellent time for developing professional contacts in other countries. You would want to give time to your family members at the end of the day, but you may get into an argument with someone close to you, which can spoil your mood. You might have a serious argument with your spouse today.

♌ Leo , 23Jul-22Aug born

Your will power may be rewarded today as you confront a very tricky situation. You should not lose head while making a very emotional decision. Be secretive about your investments and about your future goals. You should spend your spare time enjoying the company of children-even if you have to go out of your way to make that happen. Thoughts of meeting your friend after a long time may increase your heat beats like a rolling stone. Today will be very active and highly social day for you all- People will look up to you for advice and will simply agree with anything that comes out of your mouth. Don't be eager to let others know how you feel today. Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars, but it's the day when Venus and Mars will melt into each other.

♍ Virgo , 23Aug-22Sep born

Be an optimistic and look at the brighter side. Your confident expectations open the door for realization of your hopes and desires. Today, avoid lending your money to those relatives who have not yet returned the previous amount. Good time for entering a matrimonial alliance. Give tiny bits of kindness and love to make it a special day. It looks like a wonderful day today at work. Travel opportunities should be explored. With just little efforts, the day might become the best day of your married life.

♎ Libra , 23Sep-22Oct born

Friends supportive and will keep you happy. Unexpected bills will increase financial burden. You should avoid controversial issues that could cause arguments with loved ones. Today your love blooms to show what a beautiful deed you have done. Take advantage of new moneymaking ideas that strike your mind today. Travel-entertainment and socializing would be on your agenda today. With just little efforts, the day might become the best day of your married life.

♏ Scorpio , 23Oct-21Nov born

Your frustration could ruin your health- if you keep thinking about past events- Try to relax as much as possible. Today, you can take your family members out for a get-together and spend a lot of money on them. Festive atmosphere at home would ease your tension. Make sure you also participate in this and not remain like a silent spectator. It is going to be an amazing day in your love life. There's little time to rest today-as pending task will keep you occupied. Your family will share many problems with you today, but you will remain occupied in your own world, and do something in your spare time that you like. Your spouse will surprise you with something really beautiful today.

♐ Sagittarius , 22Nov-20Dec born

Try to control your impulsive and stubborn nature especially in the party as it may spoil the mood in the party. Do not make rash decisions- especially when negotiating major financial deals. Help from family members take care of your needs. Sudden romantic encounter are foreseen today. If you should be going on a days leave then do not worry- as things will run smoothly in your absence- If- for some strange reason- there's a problem- you'll fix it easily when you return. Today, you will use your free time and try to finish the incomplete tasks which were not attended in the past. Family tussles may affect your married life.

♑ Capricorn , 21Dec-20Jan born

Avoid overeating and visit a health club regularly to stay fit. Put your extra money in a safe place that will promise you returns in times to come. Quarrel with a neighbour would spoil your mood. But don't lose your temper because it would only add fuel in the fire. No one can quarrel with you if you non-cooperate. Strive to maintain cordial relations. Today, you will realize that love is the substitute to everything. Your mastery in profession will be tested. You need to concentrate your efforts to give desired results. You should leave the company of such people you think are not right for you and wasting your time as well. Love and good food are the basics of married life; and you are going to experience the best of it today.

♒ Aquarius , 21Jan-18Feb born

Do not shout for the sake of your health. Don't even try to lend money to anyone today, and if necessary, then take it in writing about the time duration in which s/he will repay the amount. A day full of happiness when spouse makes efforts to give joy. Be careful your romantic partner may flatter you- don't leave me alone in this lonely world. Be honest and to the point in your approach-Your determination will get noticed and so will your skills. Excellent day for social as well as religious functions. Your spouse will come to you with some beautiful words today describing your value in his/her life.

♓ Pisces , 19Feb-Mar20 born

Start meditation and yoga for physical gain especially mental toughness. You will like to overspend on others. Some people will tend to promise more than they can deliver-Forget about such people who just talk and give no results. Romantic entanglement will add spice to your happiness. Work at office will gain momentum as colleagues and seniors extend full cooperation. You may bear the brunt of your senior over numerous incomplete tasks left unattended by you in the past. Today, your free time will also be spent on completing your office work. Your spouse will put efforts in making you happy today.

Credits - AstroSage

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